Saturday, May 10, 2014

I Am Really Bad At Read-A-Thons


Dear Josh,

Today is Saturday, May 10, and today I thought I would have a little time to read and possibly finish Allegiant and participate in this week long Read-A-Thon that I said I would do with you.

I was wrong. So very, very wrong.

I woke up this morning knowing that my bro was graduating from college today (*sassy Dolorosa voice** hella proud of dat little bitch right there!), and as per usual I dressed in the most classiest attire I was willing to find this morning: jeans and a t-shirt.

Once I was dressed and fed, I piled in the car with my mom and my dad and we headed off to the graduation...thing. During this time, I was stupid and forgot to bring my book, so I read a lot of fan fiction on the way on my phone. For a moment, I thought I ran out of data, but I think I'm still safe in that department for now. At least, I was not sent the nice little text message saying "YO FUCKASS. YOU'RE ALMOST OUT OF MINUTES. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, NOOKSNIFFER."

Karkat is the phone. It's him.
Once we got to the ceremony, there was a lot of sitting around and listening to people talk (as per usual) and then my bro got his diploma...or rather, a piece of paper saying that he will get his diploma in the mail once all of the grades are entered into the system. And after commencement, there were cookies and punch in a adjacent building.

Needless to say, I was all up and in those cookies.

After that, we decided to run a few errands and then come home, where I spent all of the afternoon up till now cleaning for a little celebration of sorts. Which will mainly consist of me watching Supernatural with my cousin for a good deal of the night.

Anyway, I will try and read a little tonight while everyone's gone...even if it means staying up until 2 in the morning to get a fourth of it done, and staying up until 2 in the morning Sunday night to finish it, since I have homework that I really need to get done.

So yeah. I guess that's about it.

For those of you who were offended by my language in this post...

I look forward to seeing your post on Sunday, darling Josh, and I hope you have fun this weekend. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and if you do...take pictures.

Until then, my lovelies..

Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.

**Sassy Dolorosa:

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