Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hello and welcome!!

Welcome everyone to this little corner...section...place of the internet! I figured since this blog was just starting off, I would add a little blog warming post.

Before we begin our adventure, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brandi, or, as some of you may know me, The_Doctor's_Assistant. I run two other blogs, Live. Laugh. NERD! and The Semi-Personal Blog of The Doctor's Assistant. I spend a lot of my time on the interwebs, and also a lot of the time reading. I absolutely adore reading, however I really haven't been reading as much as I should. Hopefully, this blog will help with that fact. I also like to write, and I have a few stories scattered about the internet (mainly fan fiction at the moment).

I will run this blog along with my partner-in-crime, who will *maybe* post an introduction post alongside this one before he dives straight into a book review. I think it would be nice if he did, but that's entirely up to him.

So what exactly is this blog about? Well, for starters, this will be a place of book reviews and book related things, as well as vlogger-y things of...vlogger...ness. At least, this is probably what it will start off as. Most likely it will spawn into something much more muchy as time goes by because, well, we tend to get off track a lot.

So yeah. I guess that's it for now. If I missed anything, I my cohort (who shall remain nameless until he wishes to disclose that information) will most likely add it to the next thing. Until then, Nameless Cohort, I hope this is a decent introduction.

Until next time!

Live Long and Prosper...and DFTBA.

Hey guys, I'm the normal(er?) one of the two of us, like The Lovely Brandi had previously stated, I will be her partner in crime in running this blog. I'm Josh, feel free to address me as The_Hero_Gotham_Deserves, this is my first blog, due to the fact that the internet is a scary place and if I ran a blog alone, I would most likely end up crying in a corner due to that fact.

I also spend way too much time on the internet, reading fanfictions, as well as spending my time thinking about making a YouTube channel and then deciding that requires too much effort. When I do get bored with the internet, I'll go read. I'm sincerely apologize if I pester you fantastic humans with my links to readathon signups, it's just what I do. It's what makes me read the hundreds of books that are on my list. I'll be doing a lot of book updates and reviews, just kind of do whatever The Lovely Brandi requests, because the blog thing is new to this young padawan.

I think The Lovely Brandi and I will be taking turns blogging, unless she says otherwise, with a few exceptions to book reviews and such whatnot.

Farewell my friends, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seatbelts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.

~ Josh

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