Monday, May 26, 2014


Hello my lovelies, Mummy is home.

I am so sorry for not posting for the past couple of days. I have really been putting this off. I haven't been on my computer for the past few days, and I apologize. We really messed up this schedule. Ever since my birthday stuff has just been weird and busy, with my parents' wedding coming up this weekend, I've been so busy. Hella busy. I honestly feel really bad for not posting. I love you guys so much, it means a lot looking at our view count, seeing that it is now over two hundred views. I'm sure the Lovely Brandi is absolutely ecstatic about that.

Anyways, since my birthday thing happened last Wednesday, I has monies. Well. Had. I bought some books. I would share them with you guys, but it's 11, and for the past four days I have been running on two consecutive hours of sleep, and I have school in the morning. So I think I'm going to go write friend Colin an email and send him his playlist, and then go to bed.

In conclusion,

*Please, Internet Gods, forgive me, a poor, miserable procrastinator, for all my neglecting to this blog
*Pat yourselves on the back for helping us get to 200 views (Now only if we had that many followers.. GO)
* Friend Colin is only Friend, not anything more
*Seriously, round of applause for you guys
*This really isn't a conclusion, is it?
*Okay, that's enough with the god damned bullets

Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.


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