Friday, May 9, 2014

Hero or Not?

Hello Brandi, today is Thursday, May 9th, and I have a ranty rant.


Hero or Not?

The difference between heroes and superheroes. Some people can't begin to understand. Let's kick this off.

Spiderman is a superhero, because he has an unnatural mutation/power, just because he isn't rich doesn't mean he isn't a superhero. Unlike Batman or Iron Man, he is a true superhero. I'm not saying that Batman and Iron Man aren't heroes, they're just not superheroes. A superhero is an individual that has some sort of power, and unnatural ability or mutation. I argue that Batman and Iron Man are not superheroes. They're just a few rich guys that could probably buy away all their problems, kind of like Oprah.

Another misconception. Thor is most definitely not a superhero. Some argue that since Marvel created him as a character, that he is a superhero, but this is not the case. Thor is a god, and the idea of him has been around longer than Marvel can even begin to imagine. Just because he runs around saving everyone's asses doesn't mean that he's a superhero. Hero? Yes. Definitely. There are multiple other heroes and superheroes I could rant about, but I assume you're all tired of me. Kudos to you if you actually read this far.

I lied. More superheroes. Maybe some villains. Shitstorm headed your way, man the hatches.

What makes a super villain different than any other super villain? It should be the same concept, right? Since there is a lack of true super villains, I'll just throw a few of the common ones out there.

Red Skull. This is a tough call, given his past. Originally, he did have superhuman-like abilities, but lost those when he was doing all this lovely body borrowing. He had telekinetic powers, but now it seems as if he has been downgraded to a regular old villain. The recession hit us pretty hard.

Aaaand I'm back. Went to Iowa Falls. Lost my train of thought. Bought some stuff. Got mum some flowers. And a garden thing. Happy Mother's day mum, even though you don't read this. I hope you all have a great weekend.

Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.

Until Sunday!!


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