Saturday, May 17, 2014

Graduation/ Maze Runner

Hello Brandi, today is Saturday, May 17th, and today was a pretty awesome day.

Let's start with yesterday. Friend Megan let me borrow her knives, so now I have some real throwing knives. Well. Temporarily. They throw fairly well, I started throwing this morning. I like them. She might not be getting them back >:D

Built a fence for the calves today, now they have a pasture. Calves were happy. Much excite. Such wow.
The fence building was extremely simple, but took too much time. Then I was home alone. Threw some more knives. Watched some NCIS. Ate some ramen. Spaced walking the fences. Ran the fences. Got back inside. Showered. Was half dressed when the Lovely Brandi showed up at my house, for today was graduation reception day. Put pants on. Ran out the door. The Lovely Brandi has a kickass mother. Just saying. Ate some food at graduation things. Brandi almost got shanked when I volunteered her for a hug. Not kidding.

Now. Time for an update. Bout of Books 10. Page count 375. I accomplished one book this week, basically because I had to power through this one. Yes. Some of you may understand my pain.

That's right. James Dashner's The Maze Runner. This book took me the whole week. It was hard to power through this. It was just so confusing, and a bit complex. The ending was kinda awesome, which gives most people the sense that the whole book was awesome, but you have to hang in there. I have to read the rest of the series, because I read the first book. *sighs*

I would give this book a 6/10. Some things were just a bit too complex where they didn't need to be, and I found the storyline a bit boring. That might just be me though. 3/10 would not recommend.

Well guys, I gotta go to bed. Today has been a pretty good day. Until Monday my darlings.

Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.


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