Today, I learned a very very valuable skill.
Yes. That's right.
I learned how to throw motherfucking knives.
It all started this morning in biology class, when good friend Megan reminded me her birthday was a thing, and started bombarding me with links from websites, all leading to throwing axes and throwing stars and throwing knives, and throwing things. A plethora of things. So many things. Enough things that she made me want to start throwing sharp things. And then what did she do for the rest of the day?
She sent me more sharp pointy things on the internet. So I came home. Found some 2x4's and a few wood pallets and some cheap plywood. Found some nails. Put the thing together. And suddenly I have a target. Great.
So I found a chef's knife, just laying outside. How could I not take it? After watching a lot of youtube videos, I was prepared. Then the handle on my knife broke. Luckily, it was only the plastic.
So now I have a balanced knife, and I can successfully stick the knife. Yeah!!
The knife throwing thing is actually really stress relieving. I think this is all I'm going to do this weekend besides attend graduation receptions.
Now. The Readathon.... Uhhh.... Yeah.... About that...
I've started!!
I just... haven't accomplished anything. Too many distractions *cough cough throwing knives cough*
So. Yeah. That's all for today. If you guys wanna learn, here is the YouTube series that really helped me learn. Speaking of YouTube, I have been realising why I love Christina Grimmie so much. I found her before she was on the Voice, and now my bby's all grown up. Check her out, will you?
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
See you Saturday!!
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