Dear Josh,
Today is Tuesday, May 27 and I am starting to remember run out of quick, interesting posts to put on this blog.
Then again, none of my posts so far have been interesting.
So I'm just going to make this an update as to how the posting is going to work, since I already missed the 221 pageview mark to comment on and make this post all Sherlocky and stuff. Mmkay? Mmkay.
As most of you are aware, there was a point in time where we messed up the posting schedule. So now, we're fixing that. Yesterday counted as Friend Josh's day, today is mine, and the rest of the days will continue in the same pattern as they have. This means that Friend Josh's day is tomorrow, mine is Thursday, his is Friday, etc. etc. etc. you all get the point.
So yeah. Much change. Many difference. Such wow.
Sorry for the lack of an interesting post. It's late, I'm kinda sleepy, and I really don't feel like writing a very detailed post today, ya know? I promise come next week it'll be more detailed and fun times and less updates and boring times. Okay?
Anyway, until next time...
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Monday, May 26, 2014
Hello my lovelies, Mummy is home.
I am so sorry for not posting for the past couple of days. I have really been putting this off. I haven't been on my computer for the past few days, and I apologize. We really messed up this schedule. Ever since my birthday stuff has just been weird and busy, with my parents' wedding coming up this weekend, I've been so busy. Hella busy. I honestly feel really bad for not posting. I love you guys so much, it means a lot looking at our view count, seeing that it is now over two hundred views. I'm sure the Lovely Brandi is absolutely ecstatic about that.
Anyways, since my birthday thing happened last Wednesday, I has monies. Well. Had. I bought some books. I would share them with you guys, but it's 11, and for the past four days I have been running on two consecutive hours of sleep, and I have school in the morning. So I think I'm going to go write friend Colin an email and send him his playlist, and then go to bed.
In conclusion,
*Please, Internet Gods, forgive me, a poor, miserable procrastinator, for all my neglecting to this blog
*Pat yourselves on the back for helping us get to 200 views (Now only if we had that many followers.. GO)
* Friend Colin is only Friend, not anything more
*Seriously, round of applause for you guys
*This really isn't a conclusion, is it?
*Okay, that's enough with the god damned bullets
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
I am so sorry for not posting for the past couple of days. I have really been putting this off. I haven't been on my computer for the past few days, and I apologize. We really messed up this schedule. Ever since my birthday stuff has just been weird and busy, with my parents' wedding coming up this weekend, I've been so busy. Hella busy. I honestly feel really bad for not posting. I love you guys so much, it means a lot looking at our view count, seeing that it is now over two hundred views. I'm sure the Lovely Brandi is absolutely ecstatic about that.
Anyways, since my birthday thing happened last Wednesday, I has monies. Well. Had. I bought some books. I would share them with you guys, but it's 11, and for the past four days I have been running on two consecutive hours of sleep, and I have school in the morning. So I think I'm going to go write friend Colin an email and send him his playlist, and then go to bed.
In conclusion,
*Please, Internet Gods, forgive me, a poor, miserable procrastinator, for all my neglecting to this blog
*Pat yourselves on the back for helping us get to 200 views (Now only if we had that many followers.. GO)
* Friend Colin is only Friend, not anything more
*Seriously, round of applause for you guys
*This really isn't a conclusion, is it?
*Okay, that's enough with the god damned bullets
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
I Have Failed You
D-->Warning, the following contains some e%ceptionally STRONG and 100d language, so trot at your own risk.
Dear Josh,Today is Saturday, May 24, and we done diddly fucked up the posting schedule.
I know we've been neglecting this blog for the few days now, and we really need to stop that. But we've been busy, so I'm going to add a thing to compensate for that.
So yeah. Enough of that neglecting. Stahp that.
Hopefully our scheduling will get back to the way it was before. They keyword in that phrase being hopefully. I know my schedule should clear up a little, so I got time to do things. I'm also planning on posting a book review of The Great Gatsby soon...I just have to start reading it...which I will before Tuesday.
Sorry for the really short post. I'll hope to have something interesting by Monday.
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Happy Early Wriggling Day, Friend
Dear Josh,
Today is Tuesday, May 20th, and getting down with the sickness isn't nearly as fun as what songs make it out to be.
I was planning on reading a little tonight, but when I got home I managed to take a nap.
A four hour long nap.
I never take naps like that. If I do, it's usually an hour, maybe an hour and a half tops. But with this...whatever the hell kind of sickness that I'm fighting, I managed to sleep for four hours. I'm not sure whether I should be proud of that fact or not.
But anyways, enough about me. This post is about you.
Not you, darling readers, but to my lovely partner in crime, Josh. For you see...tomorrow is his birthday!!!!!
I was going to do something rather special today before I left school that he would have found tomorrow morning, which involved a few passive-aggressive sticky notes and his gift which I will not reveal to you gorgeous readers until Thursday, in order to keep the gift a secrety secret of secrecy for Friend Josh.
I think I might have to do something else for his wriggling day, though. I just haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.
So yeah. Happy Wriggling Day, Friend Josh! I will see you on Thursday.
In fact, I will see you all on Thursday. And, as always....
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Monday, May 19, 2014
The Scorch Trials
Hello Brandi, today is May 19th, and I'm taking my post back.
I had a really intelligent blog post idea earlier today, but I did not write it down, and I forgot it. So maybe I'll rant about algebra for a little bit. Because well. Math sucks. I guess I could talk about my new book, but I haven't even started it. Oh well.
The next book on my list is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I have heard nothing but fantastic things about this book, and I can't wait to start it. Whoot whoot.
Some of you may be wondering "Oh, I thought he was going to read the Maze Runner trilogy..?" (Please, at least act like you are thinking that, for my sake, okay?) Well I'm going to tell you all a thing. In my personal opinion, James Dashner isn't the best author. I barely made it to chapter seven of The Scorch Trials. That's right. Only 40 pages. I broke the 50 page rule. Whoops.
Sorry for the short post, but it's 11:30 and I need to go use the sleep, so I'm gonna go.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
I had a really intelligent blog post idea earlier today, but I did not write it down, and I forgot it. So maybe I'll rant about algebra for a little bit. Because well. Math sucks. I guess I could talk about my new book, but I haven't even started it. Oh well.
The next book on my list is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. I have heard nothing but fantastic things about this book, and I can't wait to start it. Whoot whoot.
Some of you may be wondering "Oh, I thought he was going to read the Maze Runner trilogy..?" (Please, at least act like you are thinking that, for my sake, okay?) Well I'm going to tell you all a thing. In my personal opinion, James Dashner isn't the best author. I barely made it to chapter seven of The Scorch Trials. That's right. Only 40 pages. I broke the 50 page rule. Whoops.
Sorry for the short post, but it's 11:30 and I need to go use the sleep, so I'm gonna go.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Dear Josh,
Today is Monday, May 19, and I am going interrupt your blogging day by substituting a post of my own. You can having back when I'm through.
Why am I doing this, you ask?
Well, today I am going to post my first book review!! Huzzah!
Why am I posting this so early, you might ask again? (Jeez, you guys are nosey.) The answer, my darling readers (and Josh) is that I am sick at home. Not-so-much huzzah...
Anyways, as I mentioned yesterday I finally finished Allegiant. I managed to get most of it done before I graduation-open-house hopped with friends (and Josh). Then we went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which I may post a review of on my other blog Live. Laugh. NERD!), and I got home around 10:30. Throughout this whole time, I was battling a sore throat which made my day not as fun as I would have liked it to have been. Finally, I managed to pick up the book again at 11:42 and finish it at 11:52...ish. Which isn't too bad, all things considered.
Now that the circumstances of me finishing the book are out of the way, time for the review.
I wouldn't say that this is the strongest book in the series. I was about halfway through when I put it down, and it was really hard for me to pick it back up again, and I (by some miracle) wasn't exposed to any other spoiler besides the fact that the ending would make me cry.
And that's the only spoiler I'm really going to expose you to, and I'm not going to write a synapsis because y'all need to read the first two books for this to make some sense.
When you first start reading, you find out that the book is written in alternating POV between Tris and Four, which is something I really liked about the novel. It was nice getting to see things from Four's perspective, and it's not too often you see something like that.
When I did manage to pick it up again, I don't think I was as into it as I was when I first started. And the hardest part for me as I was trying to finish it were the fact that Tris and Four were kind of making me mad, and by kind of I mean very much so. I think that was the most difficult thing to get past for me; the fact that the characters are really pretty bad at using their words.
It really started to pick up again at the ending, however, and I had almost cried when I read the part where *CENSORED FOR THE SPOILER*.
So yeah, it wasn't the strongest in the trilogy, since it didn't really didn't keep my attention. However, at the same time, I think it was one of the strongest in the trilogy in the sense that it's unlike anything I've seen before. The alternating point of view and the way the book ended was something that you really don't see in a lot of book series nowadays, and it was actually fun to read...all things considered.
I think I would give it a 8.5/10 would recommend.
I think that's all I have to say on the matter without spoiling anything.
Friend Josh, I hope you don't mind me posting on your day. You can have it back now.
As always, my lovely readers (and Josh),
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Today is Monday, May 19, and I am going interrupt your blogging day by substituting a post of my own. You can having back when I'm through.
Why am I doing this, you ask?
Well, today I am going to post my first book review!! Huzzah!
Why am I posting this so early, you might ask again? (Jeez, you guys are nosey.) The answer, my darling readers (and Josh) is that I am sick at home. Not-so-much huzzah...
Anyways, as I mentioned yesterday I finally finished Allegiant. I managed to get most of it done before I graduation-open-house hopped with friends (and Josh). Then we went to see Captain America: The Winter Soldier (which I may post a review of on my other blog Live. Laugh. NERD!), and I got home around 10:30. Throughout this whole time, I was battling a sore throat which made my day not as fun as I would have liked it to have been. Finally, I managed to pick up the book again at 11:42 and finish it at 11:52...ish. Which isn't too bad, all things considered.
Now that the circumstances of me finishing the book are out of the way, time for the review.
I wouldn't say that this is the strongest book in the series. I was about halfway through when I put it down, and it was really hard for me to pick it back up again, and I (by some miracle) wasn't exposed to any other spoiler besides the fact that the ending would make me cry.
And that's the only spoiler I'm really going to expose you to, and I'm not going to write a synapsis because y'all need to read the first two books for this to make some sense.
When you first start reading, you find out that the book is written in alternating POV between Tris and Four, which is something I really liked about the novel. It was nice getting to see things from Four's perspective, and it's not too often you see something like that.
When I did manage to pick it up again, I don't think I was as into it as I was when I first started. And the hardest part for me as I was trying to finish it were the fact that Tris and Four were kind of making me mad, and by kind of I mean very much so. I think that was the most difficult thing to get past for me; the fact that the characters are really pretty bad at using their words.
It really started to pick up again at the ending, however, and I had almost cried when I read the part where *CENSORED FOR THE SPOILER*.
So yeah, it wasn't the strongest in the trilogy, since it didn't really didn't keep my attention. However, at the same time, I think it was one of the strongest in the trilogy in the sense that it's unlike anything I've seen before. The alternating point of view and the way the book ended was something that you really don't see in a lot of book series nowadays, and it was actually fun to read...all things considered.
I think I would give it a 8.5/10 would recommend.
I think that's all I have to say on the matter without spoiling anything.
Friend Josh, I hope you don't mind me posting on your day. You can have it back now.
As always, my lovely readers (and Josh),
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Dear Josh,
Today is Sunday, May 18, and I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ALLEGIANT. *pulls the string to all of the champagne poppers currently in existence*
I ended up reading until noon, then hanging out with friends (including the Wonderful Josh) and after seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier (OH MY GOD THAT WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE) I ended up finishing the last little bit about...two minutes ago?
Anyway, I'll most likely post a review about it tomorrow (I really don't have the time for one tonight). I'm sorry that this is a short post, but I really ought to go to bed since 1) I'm not feeling the best 2) It's almost midnight and I won't be able to upload anything after midnight.
So yeah. Hopefully there will be a review tomorrow, despite it being Josh's day to update.
Until tomorrow, my lovelies.
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Today is Sunday, May 18, and I HAVE FINALLY FINISHED ALLEGIANT. *pulls the string to all of the champagne poppers currently in existence*
I ended up reading until noon, then hanging out with friends (including the Wonderful Josh) and after seeing Captain America: The Winter Soldier (OH MY GOD THAT WAS AN AMAZING MOVIE) I ended up finishing the last little bit about...two minutes ago?
Anyway, I'll most likely post a review about it tomorrow (I really don't have the time for one tonight). I'm sorry that this is a short post, but I really ought to go to bed since 1) I'm not feeling the best 2) It's almost midnight and I won't be able to upload anything after midnight.
So yeah. Hopefully there will be a review tomorrow, despite it being Josh's day to update.
Until tomorrow, my lovelies.
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Graduation/ Maze Runner
Hello Brandi, today is Saturday, May 17th, and today was a pretty awesome day.
Let's start with yesterday. Friend Megan let me borrow her knives, so now I have some real throwing knives. Well. Temporarily. They throw fairly well, I started throwing this morning. I like them. She might not be getting them back >:D
Built a fence for the calves today, now they have a pasture. Calves were happy. Much excite. Such wow.
The fence building was extremely simple, but took too much time. Then I was home alone. Threw some more knives. Watched some NCIS. Ate some ramen. Spaced walking the fences. Ran the fences. Got back inside. Showered. Was half dressed when the Lovely Brandi showed up at my house, for today was graduation reception day. Put pants on. Ran out the door. The Lovely Brandi has a kickass mother. Just saying. Ate some food at graduation things. Brandi almost got shanked when I volunteered her for a hug. Not kidding.
Now. Time for an update. Bout of Books 10. Page count 375. I accomplished one book this week, basically because I had to power through this one. Yes. Some of you may understand my pain.
That's right. James Dashner's The Maze Runner. This book took me the whole week. It was hard to power through this. It was just so confusing, and a bit complex. The ending was kinda awesome, which gives most people the sense that the whole book was awesome, but you have to hang in there. I have to read the rest of the series, because I read the first book. *sighs*
I would give this book a 6/10. Some things were just a bit too complex where they didn't need to be, and I found the storyline a bit boring. That might just be me though. 3/10 would not recommend.
Well guys, I gotta go to bed. Today has been a pretty good day. Until Monday my darlings.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Let's start with yesterday. Friend Megan let me borrow her knives, so now I have some real throwing knives. Well. Temporarily. They throw fairly well, I started throwing this morning. I like them. She might not be getting them back >:D
Built a fence for the calves today, now they have a pasture. Calves were happy. Much excite. Such wow.
The fence building was extremely simple, but took too much time. Then I was home alone. Threw some more knives. Watched some NCIS. Ate some ramen. Spaced walking the fences. Ran the fences. Got back inside. Showered. Was half dressed when the Lovely Brandi showed up at my house, for today was graduation reception day. Put pants on. Ran out the door. The Lovely Brandi has a kickass mother. Just saying. Ate some food at graduation things. Brandi almost got shanked when I volunteered her for a hug. Not kidding.
Now. Time for an update. Bout of Books 10. Page count 375. I accomplished one book this week, basically because I had to power through this one. Yes. Some of you may understand my pain.
That's right. James Dashner's The Maze Runner. This book took me the whole week. It was hard to power through this. It was just so confusing, and a bit complex. The ending was kinda awesome, which gives most people the sense that the whole book was awesome, but you have to hang in there. I have to read the rest of the series, because I read the first book. *sighs*
I would give this book a 6/10. Some things were just a bit too complex where they didn't need to be, and I found the storyline a bit boring. That might just be me though. 3/10 would not recommend.
Well guys, I gotta go to bed. Today has been a pretty good day. Until Monday my darlings.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Pointless Update
Dear Josh,
Today is Friday, May 16–er…Saturday, May 17, and this is going to be a really short post.
Because I'm kind of in the middle of an online game of Cards Against Humanity.
Tomorrow I'm hoping to catch up on my reading and such. Like, that is my main day for reading. Like, my plan for tomorrow is mainly reading.
And taking this really weird kid to a few of his graduation parties. ;)
But yeah. I'm also planning on printing off my reading list soon so I know where I'm at on it.
Today has not been a really productive day.
I'm sorry. I'll try to make a better post next time. Hopefully I'll have a book review on here soon.
You can still post for tomorrow, we'll just count this as Friday's post.
So…yeah. Sorry for BSing my way through this post. I'll make it up to you guys. I promise.
Until next time!
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Sharp Thingys
Hello Brandi, today is Thursday, May 15th, and I like sharp things.
Today, I learned a very very valuable skill.
Yes. That's right.
I learned how to throw motherfucking knives.
It all started this morning in biology class, when good friend Megan reminded me her birthday was a thing, and started bombarding me with links from websites, all leading to throwing axes and throwing stars and throwing knives, and throwing things. A plethora of things. So many things. Enough things that she made me want to start throwing sharp things. And then what did she do for the rest of the day?
She sent me more sharp pointy things on the internet. So I came home. Found some 2x4's and a few wood pallets and some cheap plywood. Found some nails. Put the thing together. And suddenly I have a target. Great.
So I found a chef's knife, just laying outside. How could I not take it? After watching a lot of youtube videos, I was prepared. Then the handle on my knife broke. Luckily, it was only the plastic.
So now I have a balanced knife, and I can successfully stick the knife. Yeah!!
The knife throwing thing is actually really stress relieving. I think this is all I'm going to do this weekend besides attend graduation receptions.
Now. The Readathon.... Uhhh.... Yeah.... About that...
I've started!!
I just... haven't accomplished anything. Too many distractions *cough cough throwing knives cough*
So. Yeah. That's all for today. If you guys wanna learn, here is the YouTube series that really helped me learn. Speaking of YouTube, I have been realising why I love Christina Grimmie so much. I found her before she was on the Voice, and now my bby's all grown up. Check her out, will you?
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
See you Saturday!!
Today, I learned a very very valuable skill.
Yes. That's right.
I learned how to throw motherfucking knives.
It all started this morning in biology class, when good friend Megan reminded me her birthday was a thing, and started bombarding me with links from websites, all leading to throwing axes and throwing stars and throwing knives, and throwing things. A plethora of things. So many things. Enough things that she made me want to start throwing sharp things. And then what did she do for the rest of the day?
She sent me more sharp pointy things on the internet. So I came home. Found some 2x4's and a few wood pallets and some cheap plywood. Found some nails. Put the thing together. And suddenly I have a target. Great.
So I found a chef's knife, just laying outside. How could I not take it? After watching a lot of youtube videos, I was prepared. Then the handle on my knife broke. Luckily, it was only the plastic.
So now I have a balanced knife, and I can successfully stick the knife. Yeah!!
The knife throwing thing is actually really stress relieving. I think this is all I'm going to do this weekend besides attend graduation receptions.
Now. The Readathon.... Uhhh.... Yeah.... About that...
I've started!!
I just... haven't accomplished anything. Too many distractions *cough cough throwing knives cough*
So. Yeah. That's all for today. If you guys wanna learn, here is the YouTube series that really helped me learn. Speaking of YouTube, I have been realising why I love Christina Grimmie so much. I found her before she was on the Voice, and now my bby's all grown up. Check her out, will you?
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
See you Saturday!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Let's Pretend That This Is Something Important And Interesting
Dear Josh,
Today is Wednesday, May 14, and I was going to do a really cool and interesting post and stuff for today about books and shipping and all of that fun stuff.
Unfortunately, I waited too long, so I don't think I'm going to do that tonight.
Instead, I'm going to do a quick update on how the Bout of Books is going.
*shuffles papers* *dramatically clears throat* I...have not started yet.
I know, I know! I'm sorry, okay? I've just been busy with homework and getting stuff done for classes that I've been putting it off.
My plan is to get some reading in tonight, and hopefully read Allegiant enough to either a) finish it or b) get to a point where I can finish it in, like, thirty minutes to an hour.
After that, I'll move on to The Great Gatsby, because I checked it out from the library a while ago andI didn't read it when we were in class I need to hand it back in.
Then, before Friday, I'll check out Eleanor and Park and The Book Thief from the library (if they'll let me) and at least get through one, if not both, of those books by the end of the Bout of Books.
I also have Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck I have to read for class, so hopefully that will make up for my lack of participation in the Bout of Books.
I know, it's ambitious considering how well I've been doing recently, but I promise I will participate!!
It's just that these Read-A-Thons are falling at inconvenient times. Teachers (for some reason) find the need to pile on the work towards the end of the year, not to mention giant ass projects are due...and it's really hard to find time to do these things. I don't think Read-A-Thons are my motivation to read. Then again, I don't think that's fair to say, since I've never actually participated thoroughly in a Read-A-Thon. *shrugs* Maybe this time will be different.
I hope it is. Otherwise I will feel bad.
This was just kind of an update, I guess. Friday I'll do something worthwhile and interesting. I pwomise.
Until next time, kiddos.
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Today is Wednesday, May 14, and I was going to do a really cool and interesting post and stuff for today about books and shipping and all of that fun stuff.
Unfortunately, I waited too long, so I don't think I'm going to do that tonight.
Instead, I'm going to do a quick update on how the Bout of Books is going.
*shuffles papers* *dramatically clears throat* I...have not started yet.
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It's okay, Dean. I'm not too proud of myself, either. |
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It's just not good enough. |
After that, I'll move on to The Great Gatsby, because I checked it out from the library a while ago and
Then, before Friday, I'll check out Eleanor and Park and The Book Thief from the library (if they'll let me) and at least get through one, if not both, of those books by the end of the Bout of Books.
I also have Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck I have to read for class, so hopefully that will make up for my lack of participation in the Bout of Books.
I know, it's ambitious considering how well I've been doing recently, but I promise I will participate!!
It's just that these Read-A-Thons are falling at inconvenient times. Teachers (for some reason) find the need to pile on the work towards the end of the year, not to mention giant ass projects are due...and it's really hard to find time to do these things. I don't think Read-A-Thons are my motivation to read. Then again, I don't think that's fair to say, since I've never actually participated thoroughly in a Read-A-Thon. *shrugs* Maybe this time will be different.
I hope it is. Otherwise I will feel bad.
This was just kind of an update, I guess. Friday I'll do something worthwhile and interesting. I pwomise.
Until next time, kiddos.
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Internet VS Books **FIGHT!!**
Hello Brandi, today is Tuesday, May 13th, and I'm also participating in Bout Of Books.
This week, The Lovely Brandi and I will be participating in another readathon, and today we are determined to make our TBR (To Be Read) lists for the week, as well as organize our all time TBR list. Because well, we've been a bit out of order. Eleanor and Park and the Book Thief just kind of barged right on in on my TBR list, that was so rude of them. Assholes.
This week, I will be reading The Maze Runner by James Dashner, as well as The Scorch Trials. I was going to throw The Death Cure in there, but I don't think I could finish all of that this week. Maybe. It's completely possible. That's only if I don't get distracted by the interwebs. This is going to take some willpower. Those are the two books I have as primary goals this week, I really don't want to add more books, because then if I don't get them done I'll feel bad. If I do end up finishing them, I'll have to find myself a copy of Pawn by Aimee Carter, and get my hands on that. Because books. And that's the first on my newly organized list. I'm proud of myself, organizing that took me like an hour. Never. Again. So far, I am on page 160 of 375 in The Maze Runner, starting off my page count for the week at 160 pages. I hope to have a lot more by tomorrow, I'm going to try and finish this tonight. This is my first short blog post update thingy, I kinda like it! Maybe more to come? Who knows??
Tune in on Thursday to find out!!
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Until then!
This week, The Lovely Brandi and I will be participating in another readathon, and today we are determined to make our TBR (To Be Read) lists for the week, as well as organize our all time TBR list. Because well, we've been a bit out of order. Eleanor and Park and the Book Thief just kind of barged right on in on my TBR list, that was so rude of them. Assholes.
This week, I will be reading The Maze Runner by James Dashner, as well as The Scorch Trials. I was going to throw The Death Cure in there, but I don't think I could finish all of that this week. Maybe. It's completely possible. That's only if I don't get distracted by the interwebs. This is going to take some willpower. Those are the two books I have as primary goals this week, I really don't want to add more books, because then if I don't get them done I'll feel bad. If I do end up finishing them, I'll have to find myself a copy of Pawn by Aimee Carter, and get my hands on that. Because books. And that's the first on my newly organized list. I'm proud of myself, organizing that took me like an hour. Never. Again. So far, I am on page 160 of 375 in The Maze Runner, starting off my page count for the week at 160 pages. I hope to have a lot more by tomorrow, I'm going to try and finish this tonight. This is my first short blog post update thingy, I kinda like it! Maybe more to come? Who knows??
Tune in on Thursday to find out!!
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Until then!
Monday, May 12, 2014
The DA VS The Books: Bout of Books 10
Dear Josh,
Today is Monday, May 12th, and 1) I'm glad to hear that you, Spectacular Josh, had a wonderful time on your band trip 2) despite this knowledge, I'm taking my blogging day back and 3) I'm concerned as to what you're planning on getting me into.
What is this thing of which I speak?
The Bout of Books Read-A-Thon. That is what this thing is.
As I have stated before, my track record for Read-A-Thons have gotten off to a shaky start. I wasn't really strict with the last Read-A-Thon (what with school and things), but you have asked me to participate and I will try my hardest and by bestest to do the thing this time.
Plus, friend Josh have our own, 24 hour Read-A-Thon on Saturday, so that should help.
What is the Bout of Books? Well, thanks to the official blurb they have on the website, I don't have to come up with a better way to explain this...
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
So yeah. I don't really know what my goals are for this. I guess one of my goals is to at least finish Allegiant, and maybe start and finish Eleanor and Park and The Book Thief. And then maybe I can pick up a few other books. I know I have a few Doctor Who and Supernatural books I need to read.
Okay, I might be getting ahead of myself.
The point is, this is my official entry post. I am participating in The Bout of Books, and I will not let you down.
Hopefully by tomorrow, the posts will start getting back to normal...if there was ever a normal pattern with this blog to begin with.
As always, my dear readers...and Josh,
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Today is Monday, May 12th, and 1) I'm glad to hear that you, Spectacular Josh, had a wonderful time on your band trip 2) despite this knowledge, I'm taking my blogging day back and 3) I'm concerned as to what you're planning on getting me into.
What is this thing of which I speak?
The Bout of Books Read-A-Thon. That is what this thing is.
As I have stated before, my track record for Read-A-Thons have gotten off to a shaky start. I wasn't really strict with the last Read-A-Thon (what with school and things), but you have asked me to participate and I will try my hardest and by bestest to do the thing this time.
Plus, friend Josh have our own, 24 hour Read-A-Thon on Saturday, so that should help.
What is the Bout of Books? Well, thanks to the official blurb they have on the website, I don't have to come up with a better way to explain this...
The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, May 12th and runs through Sunday, May 18th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 10 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team
So yeah. I don't really know what my goals are for this. I guess one of my goals is to at least finish Allegiant, and maybe start and finish Eleanor and Park and The Book Thief. And then maybe I can pick up a few other books. I know I have a few Doctor Who and Supernatural books I need to read.
Okay, I might be getting ahead of myself.
The point is, this is my official entry post. I am participating in The Bout of Books, and I will not let you down.
Hopefully by tomorrow, the posts will start getting back to normal...if there was ever a normal pattern with this blog to begin with.
As always, my dear readers...and Josh,
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Worlds of Fun, Kansas City
Good afternoon Brandi, today is Monday, May 12th, and I want to make up for my missed blog, so I'm kidnapping yours. Deal with it.
Leave the competition. Go back to the school. Scramble to get on another bus. Throw your shit in the undercarriage and hurry your ass onto the bus. Go to Winstead's. Stuff your face with some awesome food. Go to the hotel. Swim. Get stomach cramps. Regret swimming. Go upstairs. Go back downstairs. Buy macaroni and cheese. Go back upstairs. Tolerate the playful harassment of your roommates for eating macaroni and cheese at midnight. Try to sleep. Drink a liter of Dr. Pepper. Try to sleep. Throw your book across the room to get your roommates to get up. Freak out as you are suddenly at the bottom of a pile of humans. Flail around a bit. Hit someone on the head with your empty liter Dr. Pepper bottle. Crawl back to your sleeping spot. See a sketchy prison bus drop someone off outside your hotel. Retreat to your fuzzy TARDIS blanket. Finally fall asleep at 2 AM.
This weekend I went to Kansas City with our concert band. This was the Festival of Music at Worlds of fun. Our band always has this little problem. State Large Group Competition happens to be on the same weekend as the Festival. So, we leave the school at 8 AM. Preform. Choir people do the choir thing. For all of you that don't know, a 1 is the best rating you can get. There are almost always three judges for your performance. It's extremely rare for a concert band to get straight ones at competition. Especially if you are being judged by old fashioned judges. So what do we do? We get straight ones.

Wake up at 6. Fight over who showers first. Iron concert clothes. Frantically pack shit. Get dressed. Walk out the door. Walk back in. Put pants on. Walk back out. Dash downstairs, there's food down there. Eat some gross donut thing. Drink some bad coffee. Go back to your room. Apologize to the book you threw. Drink half a liter of Coke. Shower. Hide a pillow in the fridge. Pack more stuff. Read book. Have emotion. Realise you have 5 minutes before the bus leaves. Frantically frantic. Fall down a flight of stairs. Forget your half liter of Coke in the fridge. Throw your stuff on the bus. Wrinkle freshly ironed concert clothes. Take a nap. Wake up. You're at the gates. Check out the park for a little bit. Go on the Patriot four times in a row. Check the time. Panic. Sprint back to the bus, ten minutes before warmup. Take migraine medicine. Migraine intensifies. Drink water. Practice with migraine. Walk into the air conditioned auditorium. Hell. Fucking. Yes.
Perform. Do good. Walk out. Be nervous about the rating. Go ride the Mamba three consecutive times in a row. Find a group of friends. Go buy food. Wait impatiently. Complain your order was lost. Wait another thirty minutes for food. Get food. Eat two chicken strips and some fries. Listen to friend get phone call. Cry. Throw away food. Sprint to the auditorium. Burst into the doors. Cry some more. Hug the first person you see. Hug everyone in a 45 foot radius. Hold Sweepstakes trophy, as well as 1st Place trophy.
Cry. Take more pictures. Cry some more. Group hug. Take a victory lap around the park. Stop for victory ice cream. Continue victory lap. Go to the bus. Find the bus is locked. Impatiently call the band director. Hold trophies. Cry. Walk back to the park. Hand trophies off to director. Find out we got straight ones, which is almost impossible at a national competition. Cry some more. Get a phone call. Get congratulated by a French horn player form the Canadian Brass, one of the best brass trios in the world. Cry. Ride some more rides. Say goodbye to the park. Get on the bus. Get your ass kicked in chess by your computer 24 consecutive times. Eat some McDonalds. Get back on the bus. Take a nap. Freak out because you're in a tornado warning. Get to the drop-off. Grab shit. Run to the car. Drive home. Eat some ramen. Text everyone in the band. Make sure they're all home okay. Watch the weather. Don't go to sleep til 2 because you're too busy trying to figure out if this is real.
We can say it was a good trip. My first thought when we got Sweepstakes was "We're gonna need a bigger trophy case." For those of you who don't understand, the Festival is a national competition that is open, in which +50 bands competed in, from 8 different states. and we have gone for the past three years. The first year, we received 2nd place in our class. Last year, we received 1st in our class. And this year, we received 1st in our class, and Sweepstakes. Sweepstakes means that we won the whole damn thing. And we received straight ones. Most bands are lucky to walk away with one trophy. We walk away with two. And a little plaque. That's right. We got a plaque. Jelly?
Seriously, I just read all of that. God. If you made it this far, you are determined. Good job. If any of you were there, I love you. Sorry for this long post. I thought it would be cool to tell you guys since I mentioned it earlier in my Eleanor and Park blog. If you guys want to check out the award ceremony, or a few pictures, there's a link to our school website below.
Well. This has been fun. Good talk.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
See you tomorrow!!
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Dear Josh,
Today is Sunday, May 11 and I thought I would surprise you all with a surprise post of surpriseness.
Or, in other words, I'm do not think that that Friend Josh will be able to preform his vlogging duties today.
But no matter.
Tonight, I will be the Josh. It's me.
Anways, I don't think I'm going to be able to complete the Read-A-Thon as I had promised. I did stay up until two last night reading, and I now have about a fourth of the book left. Okay, maybe a little over a third. So hopefully, despite my failure at completing this Read-A-Thon because I'm a total f***a** (I'm censoring my words now to make up for my last post where I swore a s***ton), I will write a book review sometime this week.
The keyword, of course, is hopefully.
After this one...I don't know where I'm going to start next as far as books go. I think I might either start up the LoTR again, or read Eleanor and Park, as per Friend Josh's request. I'll most likely read Eleanor and Park, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it.
I'm sorry, but I think this is going to be a really short post. I hope you guys can forgive me.
And I'm not sorry about taking over your posting day, Josh.
Okay I'm a little sorry.
Maybe more than a little.
Anyway, whether you are Josh and I took over your posting day, or whether you are one of the lovely readers out there who had to read through this really short, rather meaningless post...
Today is Sunday, May 11 and I thought I would surprise you all with a surprise post of surpriseness.
Or, in other words, I'm do not think that that Friend Josh will be able to preform his vlogging duties today.
But no matter.
Tonight, I will be the Josh. It's me.
Anways, I don't think I'm going to be able to complete the Read-A-Thon as I had promised. I did stay up until two last night reading, and I now have about a fourth of the book left. Okay, maybe a little over a third. So hopefully, despite my failure at completing this Read-A-Thon because I'm a total f***a** (I'm censoring my words now to make up for my last post where I swore a s***ton), I will write a book review sometime this week.
The keyword, of course, is hopefully.
After this one...I don't know where I'm going to start next as far as books go. I think I might either start up the LoTR again, or read Eleanor and Park, as per Friend Josh's request. I'll most likely read Eleanor and Park, otherwise I'll never hear the end of it.
I'm sorry, but I think this is going to be a really short post. I hope you guys can forgive me.
And I'm not sorry about taking over your posting day, Josh.
And, as always...
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
I Am Really Bad At Read-A-Thons
Dear Josh,Today is Saturday, May 10, and today I thought I would have a little time to read and possibly finish Allegiant and participate in this week long Read-A-Thon that I said I would do with you.
I was wrong. So very, very wrong.
I woke up this morning knowing that my bro was graduating from college today (*sassy Dolorosa voice** hella proud of dat little bitch right there!), and as per usual I dressed in the most classiest attire I was willing to find this morning: jeans and a t-shirt.
Once I was dressed and fed, I piled in the car with my mom and my dad and we headed off to the graduation...thing. During this time, I was stupid and forgot to bring my book, so I read a lot of fan fiction on the way on my phone. For a moment, I thought I ran out of data, but I think I'm still safe in that department for now. At least, I was not sent the nice little text message saying "YO FUCKASS. YOU'RE ALMOST OUT OF MINUTES. SLOW THE FUCK DOWN, NOOKSNIFFER."
![]() |
Karkat is the phone. It's him. |
Needless to say, I was all up and in those cookies.
After that, we decided to run a few errands and then come home, where I spent all of the afternoon up till now cleaning for a little celebration of sorts. Which will mainly consist of me watching Supernatural with my cousin for a good deal of the night.
Anyway, I will try and read a little tonight while everyone's gone...even if it means staying up until 2 in the morning to get a fourth of it done, and staying up until 2 in the morning Sunday night to finish it, since I have homework that I really need to get done.
So yeah. I guess that's about it.
For those of you who were offended by my language in this post...
I look forward to seeing your post on Sunday, darling Josh, and I hope you have fun this weekend. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, and if you do...take pictures.
Until then, my lovelies..
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
**Sassy Dolorosa:
Friday, May 9, 2014
Hero or Not?
Hello Brandi, today is Thursday, May 9th, and I have a ranty rant.
The difference between heroes and superheroes. Some people can't begin to understand. Let's kick this off.
Spiderman is a superhero, because he has an unnatural mutation/power, just because he isn't rich doesn't mean he isn't a superhero. Unlike Batman or Iron Man, he is a true superhero. I'm not saying that Batman and Iron Man aren't heroes, they're just not superheroes. A superhero is an individual that has some sort of power, and unnatural ability or mutation. I argue that Batman and Iron Man are not superheroes. They're just a few rich guys that could probably buy away all their problems, kind of like Oprah.
Another misconception. Thor is most definitely not a superhero. Some argue that since Marvel created him as a character, that he is a superhero, but this is not the case. Thor is a god, and the idea of him has been around longer than Marvel can even begin to imagine. Just because he runs around saving everyone's asses doesn't mean that he's a superhero. Hero? Yes. Definitely. There are multiple other heroes and superheroes I could rant about, but I assume you're all tired of me. Kudos to you if you actually read this far.
I lied. More superheroes. Maybe some villains. Shitstorm headed your way, man the hatches.
What makes a super villain different than any other super villain? It should be the same concept, right? Since there is a lack of true super villains, I'll just throw a few of the common ones out there.
Red Skull. This is a tough call, given his past. Originally, he did have superhuman-like abilities, but lost those when he was doing all this lovely body borrowing. He had telekinetic powers, but now it seems as if he has been downgraded to a regular old villain. The recession hit us pretty hard.
Aaaand I'm back. Went to Iowa Falls. Lost my train of thought. Bought some stuff. Got mum some flowers. And a garden thing. Happy Mother's day mum, even though you don't read this. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Hero or Not?
The difference between heroes and superheroes. Some people can't begin to understand. Let's kick this off.
Spiderman is a superhero, because he has an unnatural mutation/power, just because he isn't rich doesn't mean he isn't a superhero. Unlike Batman or Iron Man, he is a true superhero. I'm not saying that Batman and Iron Man aren't heroes, they're just not superheroes. A superhero is an individual that has some sort of power, and unnatural ability or mutation. I argue that Batman and Iron Man are not superheroes. They're just a few rich guys that could probably buy away all their problems, kind of like Oprah.
Another misconception. Thor is most definitely not a superhero. Some argue that since Marvel created him as a character, that he is a superhero, but this is not the case. Thor is a god, and the idea of him has been around longer than Marvel can even begin to imagine. Just because he runs around saving everyone's asses doesn't mean that he's a superhero. Hero? Yes. Definitely. There are multiple other heroes and superheroes I could rant about, but I assume you're all tired of me. Kudos to you if you actually read this far.
I lied. More superheroes. Maybe some villains. Shitstorm headed your way, man the hatches.
What makes a super villain different than any other super villain? It should be the same concept, right? Since there is a lack of true super villains, I'll just throw a few of the common ones out there.
Red Skull. This is a tough call, given his past. Originally, he did have superhuman-like abilities, but lost those when he was doing all this lovely body borrowing. He had telekinetic powers, but now it seems as if he has been downgraded to a regular old villain. The recession hit us pretty hard.
Aaaand I'm back. Went to Iowa Falls. Lost my train of thought. Bought some stuff. Got mum some flowers. And a garden thing. Happy Mother's day mum, even though you don't read this. I hope you all have a great weekend.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Until Sunday!!
Thursday, May 8, 2014
Eleanor and Park
Hello Brandi, today is May 8th, and I am having extreme emotions.
I know you already updated today and we were going to alternate and such whatnot, but I couldn't resist as to blog this because my heart hurts and I just can't. (Also, surprise!! 2 blogs in one day. From 2 people. I hope your little hearts can handle this craziness.)
Eleanor and Park, by Rainbow Rowell. This book. Let me tell you. I fell in love with all the characters, this was fantastically written. No character was portrayed as a "perfect" person. Each and every one had flaws, and that's what made this book amazing. This is not an everyday YA Romance book. I want everyone to read this.
The year is 1986. Walkmans and comic books were still cool. Not that they ever stopped. Or at least, I don't think so. Sex Pistols, The Smiths, Echo and the Bunnymen. The cool stuffs. Yeah. Park is just your average everyday high schooler, when one day some silly ginger shows up. Silly ginger. Thinking she can sit anywhere on a public school bus. God, what a weirdo. Who the hell does she think she is?
Park, being the good human he is, allows her to sit with him, while he just ignores her and goes back to reading his comics. This becomes a daily routine. Suddenly, Park is letting Eleanor borrow his comics and he is making her mix tapes, this book was just too damn cute. The adorabubbles were intoxicating. And it kept getting worse. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good read. It's only 325 pages, so it's not too much to tackle. If I can do it, you can too! But in all seriousness. Get out your lists, and put this on there. 10/10 would definitely reread.
But yeah. That was my day. Now it's time to actually read The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trails because those are on my TBR, and they've been on my list for long enough. I'll get started on that tonight, maybe tomorrow. I haven't really slept because books. Books. Consuming my life.... Well, not like I really had one anyways. Today's been a pretty good day, I just can't wait to start my next books. I bought three more online, Trapped by Michael Northrop, and The Shadows of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and Eon by Alison Goodman. Impatiently waiting, even thought I just ordered them. But yeah. This was fun.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Stay awesome.
I know you already updated today and we were going to alternate and such whatnot, but I couldn't resist as to blog this because my heart hurts and I just can't. (Also, surprise!! 2 blogs in one day. From 2 people. I hope your little hearts can handle this craziness.)
Eleanor and Park, by Rainbow Rowell. This book. Let me tell you. I fell in love with all the characters, this was fantastically written. No character was portrayed as a "perfect" person. Each and every one had flaws, and that's what made this book amazing. This is not an everyday YA Romance book. I want everyone to read this.
The year is 1986. Walkmans and comic books were still cool. Not that they ever stopped. Or at least, I don't think so. Sex Pistols, The Smiths, Echo and the Bunnymen. The cool stuffs. Yeah. Park is just your average everyday high schooler, when one day some silly ginger shows up. Silly ginger. Thinking she can sit anywhere on a public school bus. God, what a weirdo. Who the hell does she think she is?
Park, being the good human he is, allows her to sit with him, while he just ignores her and goes back to reading his comics. This becomes a daily routine. Suddenly, Park is letting Eleanor borrow his comics and he is making her mix tapes, this book was just too damn cute. The adorabubbles were intoxicating. And it kept getting worse. I recommend this to anyone who is looking for a good read. It's only 325 pages, so it's not too much to tackle. If I can do it, you can too! But in all seriousness. Get out your lists, and put this on there. 10/10 would definitely reread.
But yeah. That was my day. Now it's time to actually read The Maze Runner and The Scorch Trails because those are on my TBR, and they've been on my list for long enough. I'll get started on that tonight, maybe tomorrow. I haven't really slept because books. Books. Consuming my life.... Well, not like I really had one anyways. Today's been a pretty good day, I just can't wait to start my next books. I bought three more online, Trapped by Michael Northrop, and The Shadows of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, and Eon by Alison Goodman. Impatiently waiting, even thought I just ordered them. But yeah. This was fun.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Stay awesome.
*Insert Creative And Witty Book-Related Title Here*
Dear Josh,Today is Thursday, May 8, and a few days ago you asked me to take part in a Read-A-Thon. The theme of this week's Read-A-Thon, as explained in the Little Book Owl video you sent me, was something a long the lines of "Series You Have Yet To Complete". So I thought, "Wouldn't be hella rad to write reviews on the series that I have started?"
The answer is yes, of course it is.
I'm only going to do about four of these, because reasons and laziness and stuff. Plus, it will give me the opportunity to do something like this again when I run out of creative ideas for blog subjects.
So, without further ado...
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

The story follows Beatrice Prior, a teenager living in futuristic Chicago, who has the opportunity to choose her future. She, along with everyone else who is sixteen years old, are able to choose one of five factions, or groups, which they will remain with for the rest of their lives. For most people, choosing a faction is simple enough. For Beatrice, however, the choice is much harder when she finds out that she is Divergent, or someone who fits in more than one faction. In order to protect herself, she hides within the faction for the brave, known as the Dauntless.
I absolutely adored the first two books of the series. They were wonderfully written and a true joy to read. I hope that the third book is just as brilliant as the first two. I know there are feels that will ensue, but thankfully I have not been spoiled enough to know what exactly happens that causes feels. But yeah....I'm really excited to finish this.

For those unfamiliar with the story line, The Lord of the Rings is about a hobbit by the name of Frodo Baggins who begins a journey to dispose of a ring that had, through a series of events, landed in the hands of his uncle, Bilbo Baggins. Frodo, and his ever-changing cohort, must destroy the ring before it's obtained by the dark lord Sauron, and to be used for evil.
Like I said, I really enjoyed reading it and I can't remember why I put it down. I must have hit a slow spot, or was distracted by other things. But whatever the reason is, I need to get into it again. I had to break my rule of not watching the movie before I finished the book, because I had read The Hobbit before it came out in theaters, and I wanted to make sure I knew as much as I could about the LotR universe before I delved headfirst into the newest movies and not understand the references to things. I don't think I'll finish reading it for this time, but I will soon...I hope.
Next we have The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. I actually know why I stopped reading this. I stopped at The Restaurant at the End of the Universe because I couldn't find the third installment in the series at my bookstore. I managed to get a hold of the fourth one, but I couldn't find the third one, so I stopped reading. I need to find it...if I can't, I need to get the entire works in one book.
Anyway, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series is the story of Arthur Dent, an average human living an average life...that is until one day, his house (and his entire planet, for that matter) was destroyed in order to build an intergalactic highway. Rescued by his friend, an alien named Ford Prefect. Together, they, along with the President of the Galaxy, a girl that Arthur tried picking up at a cocktail party, and an incredibly depressed robot, travel the galaxy and have adventures that somehow manage to explain practically everything humanity has every questioned about Earth and existence.
I personally loved this series, because it's chalk full of dry, British humor and in case you haven't figured out yet, I have a soft spot for dry, British humor. Plus, the characters are likable and the story line is rather light hearted...which is a nice change from what I normally read.

From what I remember, the story is about Clary Fray, who is just your average teenage girl, until an event in a teen night club changes her life forever. Soon, she is thrust into the world of shadowhunters, warlocks and werewolves. There is also a complicated relationship with a character named Jace, which is made a love triangle by Clary's best friend, Simon.
Trust me, it's a lot better than how I described it. It's just that it's been long enough where I can't remember a lot of the details. I really need to reread this series. From what I remember of it, it was really good and interesting...and it kept me entertained when the power went out for a few days in the winter. I have the first three books on my shelf, and now I just need to buy the rest of them...along with a crap ton of other books that I have incomplete series for....I should start keeping more lists of this sort of thing. It'll probably make a lot easier.
That's the end of my post. I promise I will keep you guys updated as I finish these series, as well as any other unfinished series that I haven't posted on here.
To those of you who read this blog that I do not know Outernet, I will see you guys on Saturday. Until then, however...
Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The Book Thief
Hello Brandi, today is Wednesday, May seventh, and I done a thing.
I just recently finished Markus Zusak's The Book Thief, and let me tell you a thing. This man. Is amazing. This is one of my favorite books, it was ridiculously well written. I'm still trying to find time to watch the movie, but from what I hear it doesn't stray afar from the book.
The year is (roughly) 1939. Liesel Meminger is on a train. Where to you may ask? A train going to Molching, Germany. She has traveled across the country with only her mother and brother, just for Liesel to arrive at her new home with Hans and Rosa Hubberman. She makes few friends throughout her life, all in which have a somewhat similar interest.
10/10 would read again. I absolutely loved this book, if you ever get the opportunity, take some of your time and pick it up, because it is absolutely brilliant. I now have all of Zusak's books on my TBR list, I can't wait to read them. But first I need to get caught up on my list, I have priorities, I promise.
The next read on my list is Eleanor And Park by Rainbow Rowell. I'll update as soon as I finish it, internet connection permitting. I have heard nothing but good things about this book, I just started it last night. Page 109 of 325. I'll probably finish it tonight. Maybe. Tonight or tomorrow night. Whatever.
Anyways, today was Wednesday. This is what I like to call hell. We're past the beginning of the week, but the end is just too far away. I can't wait for the weekend, I'll be in Kansas City for the Worlds Of Fun International Band Competition, come check us out. We're the South Hardin High School Band, not sure if anyone in that area actually reads this blog, but if you do, be there.
I've been putting off this week's readathon, I sincerely apologize. I'll try to get caught up on my TBR on the bus ride there, but I most likely won't read until the last hour of the ride. I'm attempting to earn my membership in the procrastiNATION. Next week, I have another readathon, and during that week I'll have a 24 hour readathon on Saturday. Busy busy busy. I'll try to keep updated this weekend, but The Lovely Brandi may be taking over for me, depending on what she is up to.
Well, that's it for today.
Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
Until next time!
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Hello and welcome!!
Welcome everyone to this little of the internet! I figured since this blog was just starting off, I would add a little blog warming post.
Before we begin our adventure, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Brandi, or, as some of you may know me, The_Doctor's_Assistant. I run two other blogs, Live. Laugh. NERD! and The Semi-Personal Blog of The Doctor's Assistant. I spend a lot of my time on the interwebs, and also a lot of the time reading. I absolutely adore reading, however I really haven't been reading as much as I should. Hopefully, this blog will help with that fact. I also like to write, and I have a few stories scattered about the internet (mainly fan fiction at the moment).
I will run this blog along with my partner-in-crime, who will *maybe* post an introduction post alongside this one before he dives straight into a book review. I think it would be nice if he did, but that's entirely up to him.
So what exactly is this blog about? Well, for starters, this will be a place of book reviews and book related things, as well as vlogger-y things of...vlogger...ness. At least, this is probably what it will start off as. Most likely it will spawn into something much more muchy as time goes by because, well, we tend to get off track a lot.
So yeah. I guess that's it for now. If I missed anything, I my cohort (who shall remain nameless until he wishes to disclose that information) will most likely add it to the next thing. Until then, Nameless Cohort, I hope this is a decent introduction.
Until next time!
Live Long and Prosper...and DFTBA.
Hey guys, I'm the normal(er?) one of the two of us, like The Lovely Brandi had previously stated, I will be her partner in crime in running this blog. I'm Josh, feel free to address me as The_Hero_Gotham_Deserves, this is my first blog, due to the fact that the internet is a scary place and if I ran a blog alone, I would most likely end up crying in a corner due to that fact.
I also spend way too much time on the internet, reading fanfictions, as well as spending my time thinking about making a YouTube channel and then deciding that requires too much effort. When I do get bored with the internet, I'll go read. I'm sincerely apologize if I pester you fantastic humans with my links to readathon signups, it's just what I do. It's what makes me read the hundreds of books that are on my list. I'll be doing a lot of book updates and reviews, just kind of do whatever The Lovely Brandi requests, because the blog thing is new to this young padawan.
I think The Lovely Brandi and I will be taking turns blogging, unless she says otherwise, with a few exceptions to book reviews and such whatnot.
Farewell my friends, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seatbelts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
~ Josh
Hey guys, I'm the normal(er?) one of the two of us, like The Lovely Brandi had previously stated, I will be her partner in crime in running this blog. I'm Josh, feel free to address me as The_Hero_Gotham_Deserves, this is my first blog, due to the fact that the internet is a scary place and if I ran a blog alone, I would most likely end up crying in a corner due to that fact.
I also spend way too much time on the internet, reading fanfictions, as well as spending my time thinking about making a YouTube channel and then deciding that requires too much effort. When I do get bored with the internet, I'll go read. I'm sincerely apologize if I pester you fantastic humans with my links to readathon signups, it's just what I do. It's what makes me read the hundreds of books that are on my list. I'll be doing a lot of book updates and reviews, just kind of do whatever The Lovely Brandi requests, because the blog thing is new to this young padawan.
I think The Lovely Brandi and I will be taking turns blogging, unless she says otherwise, with a few exceptions to book reviews and such whatnot.
Farewell my friends, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seatbelts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.
~ Josh
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