Wednesday, September 10, 2014

(Not Quite) Tiny Chickens and Ideas for Future Entries

Dear Josh,

Basically me throughout the week, to be honest
Today is Wednesday, September 10th and recently I have been battling a bout of Tiny Chicken Disease that was so unlike any case of Tiny Chicken Disease I have ever had to deal with. So much so, in fact, that I don't think that it even qualifies as Tiny Chicken Disease.

It started out as a headache and neck pains, specifically on the left side just below the base of the head, and then it escalated into sinus-y stuff and coughing and it was just overall really gross. I kinda thought I was going to die at one point, to be honest.

But I'm better now, to an extent. I still have the headaches and the sinus issues, but at least I don't feel like I'm on the verge of leaving this planet in the most unpleasant, unfortunate, and unwarranted ways possible.

But enough about my chickens. Time to talk about the main-ish point of this post.

I've been thinking a little about what I've been wanting to do here, and I kinda thought I'd run it by you guys first and see what you think.

Firstly, I thought about posting a sort of...collaborative summary of the novel/series of essays/book/etc. Pilgrim at Tinker Creek by Annie Dillard. Just to kind of touch on the main points and the main themes, and maybe do a post for each chapter. This book is becoming a big deal now that National Academic Decathlon has started up, and I think it would be nice for people to have a resource to help study the material. Either that, or I thought about making a PowerPoint for something. I really haven't decided.

Secondly, I've been learning a lot about the history of our language and where a lot of our words are derived, and I thought it would be pretty neat to do little posts that focused on that. Like one post a month or so do a post that mentioned where certain words come from. Or I could do a little sidebar thing that has something like that. Again, I kinda have to ask Josh about it first. This is just kind of a brainstorm post.

Thirdly, I realize that if I do run out of things to post, I could do what I occasionally my random fandom blog and post stories and fan fictions and stuff that I've written. It probably won't be for a while, but I figured if I need to post something and it's been a while I could do something with that.

This was kind of just a brainstorm post, and I'm sorry if I wasted all of your time. I'm just trying to get a general idea of what I can do with this blog, and what Josh and I can do to improve people's blogging/reading experience.

If you have any thoughts about my blogging, or ideas on how to improve it, feel free to leave a comment and I'll get around it and take it under consideration. So yeah, until next time, I guess.

Live Long and Prosper, and DFTBA.

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