Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Bout of Books 12.0 Wrap-Up

Well shit.

Hey guys, Bout of Books ends today, and I have failed. Miserably. I only read The Great Gatsby, and started Lexicon. Hopefully I can pull myself together next readathon, because I am a great disappointment.

That's right motherfuckers, I used the same .gif  as I did in the last post. Deal with it.

Now for the reason why I didn't accomplish more last week.

This post is old. I am so sorry.

Here I am again.  It's been a rough few weeks guys, I'm sorry. I'll try to post more, I haven't read much at all because of the bullshit that has been going down with the units lately. I hope to post again sometime soon, and stop feeling shitty. Be good.

~ Josh

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Day 2 Wrap Up

Hey guys!

This is not the official ending of day two of Bout of Books 12.0, but I feel like posting now so I don't forget.

I bring dishonor. I have not finished a single book this week. However, I am close to finishing The Great Gatsby ((I have 30 pages left, cut me some slack.)) I plan on starting Lexicon next, and perhaps will switch between Lexicon and Pictures of Hollis Woods to avoid possible boredom. If I finish those books, I will finish The Perks of Being a Wallflower. And in the event that I run out of books...

Well guys, it's been lovely, but I have reading to do! 

Until next time, 


Monday, January 5, 2015

BoutofBooks 12.0 TBR Lineup

Hey guys!

As many of you know, Bout of Books 12.0 is happening THIS WEEK!!!!!! Deadline for signup is on Wednesday, so go get yourselves registered!

In the previous post I mentioned how I was going to be combining Bout of Books 12.0 and the first Year-A-Thon challenge this week. My lineup consists of books that I currently own, and I plan on reading a few more standalone books after these are finished.

Firstly, I would like to read F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby. Though this book is required reading for my American Lit/Comp class, I would like to finish it sometime today.

Secondly, we have Lexicon, by Max Barry. This has been sitting on my TBR pile for a while. I tried reading this once, but I was very confused, though that was probably my own fault. It seems interesting enough. "They recruited Emily Ruff from the streets. They said it's because she's good with words. They'll live to regret it. They say Wil Parke survived something he shouldn't have. But he doesn't remember. Now they're after him and he doesn't know who. There's a word, they say. A word that kills. And they want it back..." I'm definitely hoping I can get into this book.

Lastly ((for books that I own anyways)) I have Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff. I read this many many moons ago, and I thought it would be a great quick read. It's only one hundred sixty six pages, so I think I can tackle that either today or tomorrow.

I may also be reading an A.R.C. of friend Megan's book, A Real Monster.

I want feedback. What is your lineup for Bout of Books? Any questions about this read-a-thon, or any others? Leave recommendations, questions, etc. in the comments below!

Until next time,


Sunday, January 4, 2015

Two Posts In One Day????? WHAAAAAAAT?

Hello my lovelies!!

So I'm sure many of you are confused as to why I am posting again this evening. This is due to READ-A-THONS!!!!!! I was not aware that the first Bout of Books ((Bout of Books 12.0)) of the year was so soon. This starts tomorrow, so plan out your books tonight and go friggin' bonkers tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the first day of the Year-A-Thon challenge, where you will find more about below, after I talk about Bout-Of-Books 12.0

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, January 5th and runs through Sunday, January 11th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 12 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

This is the official blurb and button, to register you MUST post both the blurb and button on your blogs, whether it be on Tumblr, Blogger, Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress etc. I have participated thrice in this readathon, and would definitely love to see you guys enjoy it! It's a great way to tackle your TBR piles, win giveaways, or just have fun!

Now. The Year-A-Thon challenge is a monthly event where a week is devoted to a specific book genre. The dates and categories will be posted below. Included will be the link to the Read-A-Thon Goodreads group that will give you challenges and updates on dates, group read along books, reviews, suggestions for themes, etc. Check it out!

Goodreads Group

#AYEARATHON dates and themes:
2015 THEAMES :

January 5-11: Stand Alone
February 2-8: Diversity
March 2-8: Bench Warmers
April 6-12: Fantasy & Sci-Fi
May 4-10: Re-read Month
June 1-7: Finish/Catch Up on a Series
July 6-12: Agatha Christie/Mystery Month
August 3-9: TV & Movie Adaption
September 7-13: Banned Books
October 5-11: LGBT Month
November 2-8: Mythology
December 7-13: Graphic Novels/Mangas/Comic
Books/Picture Books

I hope you all seize the chance to participate in these events, they're definitely a great time!

Until next time,


Prodigy/The Program/TPOBAWF/New Years/Extremely Long Post Titles

Hey guys!

Recently, I read Marie Lu's Prodigy. I personally felt like this was brilliantly written. As a sequel to Legend, I can confidently say that Lu did not disappoint. In this book, June and Day go through major character developments as they carry on through the story line.

For those who have not read Legend, I would definitely recommend it. It is very strongly written, and the series is brilliant so far. If The Hunger Games or Divergent caught your attention, then this would be the next series that is a must read. I'm sorry for not expanding more on the review of Prodigy but chances are that if I say anything I will spoil both Prodigy and Legend in the same blog post, and we can't have that, now can we? Goodreads review can be found here. Purchase from Amazon here.

I also started Suzanne Young's The Program yesterday. I also finished it yesterday. To summarise, The Program is another dystopian book. Suicide in teenagers has become a national epidemic, and the only known cure is The Program. The only problem with The Program is, whoever goes in isn't the same when they come out. Their memories have been erased, to start a new life. Find out more by reading it. I would definitely recommend. Read the Goodreads review here. Purchase from Amazon here.

In addition to the other books I have started/finished, I have also started Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I am only fifteen pages in and the writing style is very similar to John Green's. Definitely would recommend. I can tell this book will tear at my heartstrings. Goodreads here. Amazon here.

So I'm sure you all are wondering why I have suddenly started posting and reading a ton. I have a very simple answer. New year, new me!

Okay, okay! Jesus. Calm yourselves. I kind of wanted to punch myself in the throat after saying that too. As you are all aware ((or should be, anyways)) 2015 is amongst us. And with each new year, there has to be resolutions. Some are destined to fail, while others are easily succeeded. My ((obtainable)) resolutions are to post here more, and read a lot more books. Keep up with me here or my Goodreads account, which I believe is posted to the right. Anyways, I have books to read and books to review.

Stay hella. Until next time,
