Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Good Morning Internet/TTTC

6:21 AM

Good Morning Brandi,

Today is august twentieth, and I finally started another book.

Not by free will, but the thought counts, right?

Yesterday, my American Lit class started and we were assigned a book that has been on my list for quite a while, ((as you can see, I don't go in the chronological order that I worked so hard to put in order for no apparent reason)) and I am truly thrilled to read this book.

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien.

I haven't got too far in this book, but I already love how it is written, though, I have been warned that the writing style completely changes. So, we'll see how this pans out.

What truly amazes me is that the first chapter was simply a short story, and it won a freaking Pulitzer Prise.

That's just. Freaking. Nuts. And I believe it too, looking at the details that were so carefully written in.

I am ecstatic to finish this book, and I plan to do so sometime in the near future. 9/10 would continue reading. The tenth got into a misfortunate........ accident.

Well, it's now 6:35, and I have to be leaving soon. So. Be good.

My little soldiers, I hope you shall be brave in my absence. Mommy will be home soon.

I love you guys. Stay cool.

~ Josh

Monday, August 18, 2014

So Let it Begin/Ender's Game

Hello Brandi,

Today is August eighteenth, and a few things have happened since we last spoke.

9:18 AM

A) I have done a fuckton of reading
B) I reorganised my bookshelf
C) I haven't been able to talk to my matesprit human for a week and a half OnO
D) School started, and I'm currently sitting in a meeting, slacking off.

3:52 PM

Well. That was fun.

I've found The Fault in Our Stars online, so I might be gone for a while, crying.

10:59 PM

I'm back, and doing stuff as always. It's been a hella long day guys. I'll try to get the Lovely Brandi to post tomorrow, if not, then I can always post, even though my entries are dull and missing humour. I should really go to bed. I'm exhausted. I should just start doing book things now.

And the thing is doing the not lining up thing again. I need to learn how to do this. Anyways. I finished up Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game.

Let's talk about it.

I was slightly frustrated at how Ender's character was portrayed, because he was simply a nine year old boy, yet had an extraordinarily advanced thought process, as well as Val, Peter, and any of the other adolescent figures in this book. While that is only a small detail, I was getting hung up on how Ender hated himself and his life so much, and honestly, I was quite depressed reading this, because he's nine. Nine year olds aren't supposed to hate their lives, their supposed to hate vegetables. I really did like the idea of this book, I will have to complete the series. The ending confused me a bit, I'm going to have to go over it again.

Eight out of ten would read again. 

Anyways. It's getting late, and it's a school night. I need sleep.

My little soldiers, I hope you shall be brave in my absence. Mommy will be home soon.

I love you guys. Stay cool.

~ Josh

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Hellos, Goodbyes, and a Very (Un)Happy Blogger

Dear Brandi,

Today is August 9th, and I leave for CCC camp tomorrow.

This is just a quick little update from me. I've had a good day, climbed around on the roof a bit, watched a ton of AoS, and cried a lot (due to AoS.) I did read, though I didn't finish Ender's Game. I also read a bit of Bo Burnham's Egghead. I was a bit disappointed not to see the Lovely Brandi post today, I'm afraid I'll have to pester her about that later. But yes, this is the last you'll hear from me until the 18th. I'm gonna try a new little signature, see how it fits.

My little soldiers, I hope you shall be brave in my absence. Mommy will be home soon.

I love you guys. Stay cool.

~ Josh

Friday, August 8, 2014

Bout of Books 11.0

I told you you would be hearing from me again.

It's that time again!!

Bout of Books 11.0 starts on the 18th! Go register your book-loving booties, it's a good time. I have found Bout of Books motivating me to tackle my list, and I got a lot done a few BoBs ago. I am ridiculously excited, I hope you all do it, I love it. I'm also trying to get the Lovely Brandi to register as well, but she may take some convincing, considering school shall be starting soon. anyways. I'll paste the blurb and put the buttony thing in and stop pestering you.

Bout of Books

The Bout of Books read-a-thon is organized by Amanda @ On a Book Bender and Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal. It is a week long read-a-thon that begins 12:01am Monday, August 18th and runs through Sunday, August 24th in whatever time zone you are in. Bout of Books is low-pressure, and the only reading competition is between you and your usual number of books read in a week. There are challenges, giveaways, and a grand prize, but all of these are completely optional. For all Bout of Books 11 information and updates, be sure to visit the Bout of Books blog. - From the Bout of Books team

Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.

With love,

~ Josh


Dear Brandi,

Today is August eighth, and I now realise the title of this post is a complete lie. There is still a week left of summer.

What I meant was, I have a laptop, and I can now blog. I've missed you guys. I've missed constantly checking the pageviews. And most of all, I've missed writing the Lovely Brandi.

So, let me fill you all in.

I missed the hell out of the blog. I really missed my school issued laptop. I didn't tackle The List like I thought I was going to, but we'll speak of that later. Did a lot of traveling. Lucky me, I get to go on vacation this Sunday!

Story time!
Many many moons ago, my youngest (at the time) sister, Kaylee, had cancer. Twice. Both extraordinarily rare to be seen in children. Both times required vigorous weeks of chemotherapy, needles and pinpricks, tests, the whole nine yards. Flash forward. One day, we learn a tiny little organization that at the time went by the name The Heart Connection discovered us. Long story short, the organization changed it's name to the Children's Cancer Connection ((Or CCC)).

Each summer, the CCC will rent out the YMCA Camp for two weeks during the summer, one for the children who had cancer, and another for the siblings of the children who had cancer. I'm trying to make a long story short. As you can see, I'm horrid at that. So I get to go to summer camp this week.

Oh, and it's in a freaking valley. Which means no internet. Which makes me feel like this. All. Week.

Now. Back to business.

I read some books guys!! I haven't exactly been following The List in order, but by what I have on my shelf.

About a week ago, I read Cassandra Clare's City of Bones.

Yes. Finally. I broke open the box set. I did it. 

I can confidently say that this is one of my favorite books. Cassandra wrote this phenomenally, the idea itself is brilliant. Shadowhunters, Idris, the constant not knowing. It's lovely. 9 out of 10 would recommend. The tenth, well, let's say he got into a little accident. *snickers*

This week, I also finished the second book in the series, City of Ashes.

Okay. I don't know why the text suddenly decided to go next to the image. Whatever. Just roll with it.

I thought this book was a rough follow-up to City of Bones. Nonetheless, this is still a fantastic book, but it had a great shadow to live up to. ((If I don't even get the slightest chuckle out of one of you for making a shadow pun while we're talking about books in which the characters are Shadowhunters, I will find each and every one of you, and I will shake your hand, for the last time I thought I was funny, the end was near. "Orange you glad I didn't say shut the fuck up?" "Hi hungry, I'm that guy who doesn't give a shit." 

Those were dark days.))

A lot of this book was dialogue. I enjoyed it, but I've heard a lot of people have given it up for that reason. 8 of 10 would recommend.

And finally, I started Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game.

Okay, this one is doing the thing too. It works. 

I'm a little more than half way finished with this book. And all I have to say, is this. If you have not read this, drop everything you're doing and read it. Not the movie before the book, oh no, that's cheating!

From what I've read, this book is just amazing. Definitely number one on my favorites list. I can't wait to finish this book. I'm assuming a very emotional feelsy feels feeling book review will be coming your way soon, as I plan to finish this book today, and start Cassandra's City of Glass. If I'm feeling adventurous, I may finish that and begin City of Fallen Angels, then take City of Lost Souls to CCC. I'll update you guys next time around the 18th, this post was meant to be posted last night, but I managed to pull an all nighter procrastinating it and am just now publishing. So. Yeah. 

So, as a summary....

A) I miss you guys and promise to get back into blogging when school starts ((the 18th))
B) I'm asking you guys for any book recommendations, if you have any you enjoyed, or that you think the Lovely Brandi or I would enjoy, or just a generally good book, drop it in the comments below :)
C) I won't be blogging at all for the next week or so, I may update again today, just for the hell of it, because I feel terrifically horrible for abandoning you all summer
D) I apologise for the ridiculously long post. It's cause I missed you!!!!
E) There is no E section of the list, I just like lists.

See you all the 18th!!

Remember, play nice, share your toys, buckle your seat belts, don't drink and drive, don't drive with anyone who has been drinking, and don't do anything too illegal.

With love,

~ Josh